Rubik's Cube

Orientation of two onboard cubes. Simple process, but sometimes causes difficulties. It is necessary to take into account, that the unwrapped cube should be on the right side (in figure it is marked with arrows). In figures 1, 2 and 3 chances of an arrangement of not correctly focused cubes (they are marked with points) are submitted. Using the common formula in case of 1 it is required to execute intermediate turn U (Up) to deduce the second cube on the right side. In case of 2 and 3 accordingly turn (U or U' ). After the first part of process (Cd) *4 the necessary cube is unwrapped as it is necessary, but the order in the collected layers is broken. Execute intermediate turn, not paying attention to breakage of the bottom layers. Do further a part of process (R-Cd) *4, and all begins on the places. Result: the cross is collected.(Cd - Center Layer_down)

Corners of last side can be put on the places, using 8-running process. Direct process rearranges three angular cubes in a direction clockwise. Return process rearranges three cubes counter-clockwise. After the fifth stage even one cube will rise on the place (probably incorrectly focused). Turn a cube that this cube was in the left distant corner, and repeat process one or two times while all cubes do not begin on the places. Result: all angular cubes have occupied the places. 2 or 4 cubes will be focused incorrectly.

Orientation of angular cubes of last side. Process is easy for remembering, it is repeatedly repeated sequence of turns (R-F'-R'-F). Turn a cube that the cube which you want to unwrap was in a right top corner of a front side. 8-running process (=2*4), will turn it on 1/3 revolutions clockwise. If it is necessary repeat 8-running process. Do not pay attention to the bottom layers, harmony will be restored. In figure three cases of an arrangement of "bad" cubes (they are marked by points) are shown. In case of 1 intermediate turn U (Up), in случае2 turn (U ’ ) (Up opposite) is required. In case of 3 turn (D*2) is necessary. Result: last side is collected. It is necessary to turn it, and all - the cube is collected.

Stages of assembly of Rubik's Cube

Rubik's Cube
Rubik's Cube
Rubik's Cube